Saturday, 2 July 2016

Rome Travel June 29 - June 30

PDX airport waiting for my delayed plane
The first two days of my trip were basically traveling. My plane leaving Portland was over an hour late so my three-hour layover in Chicago was cut short to just an hour. Enough time to go to the bathroom, find some lunch, and try to calm myself before the next flight. The flight to Rome was about 8 ½ hours. I watched movies/tv because I really couldn’t sleep even though I tried, however, I do recommend watching Pride and Prejudice and Zombies and How to be Single. J

Arriving in Rome, we caught a shuttle from the plane to the airport. The passport check was smooth. I gave my passport to the guy and he stamped it and I was on my way. No questions. Thankfully, my bag arrived like it was supposed to. A quick walk through customs and I was bombarded with the arrivals gate. It took me a little bit to find the Spalding sign and I did get a little nervous I wasn’t going to find it, but I did! I had a short wait. I met some of the people from my program, but was too tired to make much conversation.

I think it’s always hard to approach a new city from the airport because it never has the best views. I tried my best not to prejudge Rome which was easy since I tried to just close my eyes as we drove towards Rome.

We pulled up to the hotel where we had more waiting to do. My hotel room wasn’t ready yet and neither was another student’s so we went to lunch in a small little cafĂ© down the street. I had a lovely vegetarian sandwich with eggplant and mozzarella. Back at the hotel our rooms were still not ready so we went on the short neighborhood guided tour where we were yelled at by an Italian woman in English. We’re staying in a pretty central location with some beautiful cities within walking distance plus the train station a few blocks away.

Finally, my hotel room was ready. I started unpacking and exploring the room when all the lights went off and I couldn’t figure out which switch would turn them back on again, so I had to leave the room and reenter to get the lights back on. I thought I found the right switch, but again they went off. I didn’t understand what was happening. Each time I left the room and returned the lights would work for a short amount of time before turning off again no matter what switch I turned on. I finally realized that I had to stick my card in a slot by the front door in order to keep things on.

My roommate arrived a little time later and we had a little bit of time to talk before getting ready for the welcome dinner with the whole group. We took a bus to a restaurant which was in this cool little place with walls covered in ivy leaves. The meal was amazing, but there was so much food and apparently the alternative for meat is cheese and tomatoes so I had a lot of that. There was an appetizer, a pasta course, my cheese and tomato salad, tiramisu and topped off with an espresso. It was all delicious.

We were even treated to a small show when a woman, from another group, opened a high window and starting hanging underwear on the railing while the musicians on the ground called up to her. She closed the window and then was joined by a man with one of the those glasses with the fake nose as a disguise. It was fun.

A quick ride back to the hotel and I went to bed ready to put an end to my traveling all-nighter.

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