Today was
an early start, well I guess not too early, but it felt like it. I did not want
to get up this morning. The only reason I got up so early was because I had to
finish my revision and print it out before the 9am workshop. It didn’t take me
too long to finish up my last line, but I was at least content with the result.
It may need more revision. I went down to breakfast and struggle through a
piece of toast and half a peach. I hopped around from table to table and people
came and went. Thankfully, I ended up sitting next to Shawn who gave me some pepto-bismal
which really seemed to help. It got me through the day today with limited
episodes of illness.
workshop was simple. You passed out your revised work and then we went around
in a circle, each reading our revised work and had nice comments to say. I took
out the really violent bit in my revision which made for a more lackluster
reaction, but I think it really improved the piece and I know how I can use
those changes later on.
Next up was
a Faculty lecture on point of view. It was interesting to see the ways in which
different types of point of view can be used depending on the purpose of the
piece. That lecture lead into the expository writing lecture which I was only
there to observe. It helped to get us ready to write our critical essays we are
required to write each semester on the books we read. It’s a basic five
paragraph essay with an argument and support for that argument. So what I teach
to my kids all the time! I feel pretty confident in my ability to write them.
Our fully
packed morning was followed by a mini YA workshop over lunch. I’m glad we did
it, but I just wish we were all more prepared for it to really make it useful
for everyone. I think I got some really good feedback from the students in the
other workshop. Lunch ran really late and we ended up having to charge the meal
to the room in order to go to the next lecture which we were late for. But it was
a great plate of spaghetti!

Then we had
a panel on publishing which again was very interesting but a little early in
the process. I really need to finish a manuscript. Still, good things to keep
in mind as I continue on this endeavor. And the day ended with our last set of
student readings. It’s great to hear everyone’s work. The sheer variety is
classes complete, it was time for dinner. A group was formed, Shawna (needing
cheering up since her husband left today), Maureen, Mary, Melissa, and Libba
(who joined us later) all headed around the corner to Alessio. I had eaten
their before for the YA dinner, but tonight was really great. I didn’t feel bad
the entire meal which was nice and Shawn, who has eaten there like six times
including lunch today, was basically on a first name basis with the waiter. He
even knew her order. He was a great waiter and kept coming to check on us and
saying Ciao repeatedly. They didn’t have their special gnocchi, so I got the
ricotta and spinach ravioli which was okay but not the best meal. The service made up for it. And the 2 shots of
limoncello didn’t hurt. What’s the perfect end to an Italian dinner? Gelato! We
stopped at Café Washington on our way home. I got two scoops, one of cookies
and crème (Stracciatella) and one
of chocolate (cioccolato)!
Tomorrow we have our free day. My morning
is free, finally a day to possibly sleep in, and then their is the lake tour in
the afternoon with a wine tasting. I’m determined to go on this trip. I’ve been
very good these past few days. Trying to eat bland things and staying out of
the sun. Plus the pepto-bismal has really helped. Anytime my stomach starts to
feel a little off a chew tablet and I’m fine. I’m not letting my $78 go to
waste. I don’t have anything planned for the morning and I should probably just
continue to take it easy in preparation for the afternoon trip. I may go to the
Rome Museum which is just up the street if I do anything. I do have one more assignment to complete.
Tomorrow night I’m
supposed to be going to the Trevi fountain with Mary, but she hasn’t been
feeling good so I’m not sure if that’s going to happen or not.
My time here is almost over. We have one
more day of classes and our farewell dinner. I have five more days in Rome
before I’m on a plane back to the states.
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