Today, or rather yesterday sine I'm writing this in the morning after, was a busy but enjoyable day. I started off with breakfast and caught my bus to the city centre. I got a large cup of tea from greggs to steam the impending headache but getting the tea in and of itself was a headache. No milk means no milk. Giving me the tea after I've said no milk with milk in it and acting like it doesn't is not okay. From there I waited fro my bus to Caerphilly. I couldn't pronounce the place name making it hard to tell the driver where I was going but I could spell it so that saved me. On the bus journey I was sure I was going to throw up added to my propensity of getting sick while traveling, my tongue swelled up and everything. I had my bad poised for puke but thankfully I was saved that humiliation.
I arrived at Caerphilly a little worse for the wear but I soon cheered up when I saw the castle. Fantastic! Its really everything a castle should be complete with a moat and puts Cardiff castle to shame. I walked along the grounds actually read through the exhibit and entered the castle after finally finding the entrance - the staff were most unhelpful. What was really nice about it was that there weren't staff watching you or signs to tell you not to do things. I felt ree to do as I pleased. After my castle tour and nothing of interest in the giftshop I stopped by the statue of Tommy Cooper (British Comedian) and then went to Tesco's for lunch which I ate on a bench in front of the castle listening to the welsh voices around me.
Finding the bus back to Cardiff was harder than I had anticipated. Logically it should have been on the opposite side of the street where I was dropped off at but that wasn't the case and I had to wait for the that bus to come to ask the driver where I need to to pick up the other bus. It did afford me a lovely walk through more of Caerphilly to get to the bus station where I found my bus and made it back to Cardiff.
I went to the National Museum to check out the dinosaurs and art - another Van Gogh painting checked off my list plus some Monet and Manet. The Natural history portion was really cool and I liked how they arranged it but I didn't feel like reading much except the dino stuff. They had a T-Rex skull. The Basking Shark though was scary and I couldn't look at it. I tried but no, that huge open mouth is just unnatural. Now at this stage I could barely walk so I decided to see if Harry Potter was showing at 5 which it was so I finally saw it. I'll leave me review of the film for my other blog which I will make available here. After the film I decided that a bag of popcorn wasn't enough for dinner so I treked back to the bus station to go to Cardiff Bay to have a Doctor Who dinner. I got off a couple stops too soon and had to walk but it wasn't all bad what was disappointing was everything was blocked off for some event on Saturday so no more torchwood pics. Oh well. I tried to eat at the place that features in 'Boom Town' with The 9th Doctor, Rose, Mickey and Jack but it was Turkish food so instead I headed to Eddie's dinner from 'The Impossible Astronaut' with the 11th Doctor, Amy, Rory and River Song. I had an amazing veggie burger with fried and wnjoyed the atmoshpere and music.
I took the bus back to the city centre but missed my connecting bus and had to wait an hour to get back to the hostel which the room was pitch black by the time I got in.
(transposed from a written journey written throughout the day)
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