September 15, 2011 - September 16, 2011
I spent my last day in Coventry picking up some last minute Doctor Who items for Amber and Jess which I'm glad I went and did. I finished packing which took forever, trying to find everything and fit it all in. Dinner with Celia and Owen before heading to the airport. Celia and I were pressed for time so we took a taxi to the rail station but made it to the airport with lots of time. I said my farewell to Celia and was left to wonder the airport for the night. I had some tea and a muffin and was able to get online but my computer was quickly loosing power so I had to hunting for a plugin where the wifi would still work. I finally found myself a corner and was able to watch the Doctor Who episode I had missed and the final episode of Torchwood. Thankfully I was in a hidden corner because I was crying through both episodes. Finally I was able to check in and had to pay 130 pounds extra for my extra weight and bag but I got it home. Earlier I had found a bag weighing station so I had spent some time adjusting my bags but I knew the fees were going to be steep.
The flight to Amsterdam wasn't bad but it wasn't great either. The best thing it had going for it was the fact that it was short. The bad thing was that I had to race to my gate on the opposite side of the airport but I didn't really have to worry since I had plenty of time and since there was a long queue I used the time to buy a few things with my left over euros from Ireland. I got through the second security screening changed into my pjs for the 10 hour flight home. I was super tired to the plane ride wasn't that fun. I tried to sleep as much as a could. I watched a couple of films and some tv but was super glad when the plane finally landed.
Now I had been sneaky and had misinformed my family about my arrival. They all thought I wasn't coming home until 11pm but I was arriving at 11:30am. Amber picked me up from the airport. I surprised my sister when I rang the doorbell at home, and thankfully she was actually home because I don't have keys anymore. When my mom came home I was in bed so I didn't get to see her initial reaction but my dad was surprised as well, both thankful they didn't have to go to the airport at night.
So I'm back in Portland now but it doesn't feel like home, I miss Cov. It just motivates me to go back. I'm definitely suffering from jet lag but trying to get over it so I can look for a job and get a PhD proposal together to send off in time to also apply for scholarships. I still need to take a few days of just doing nothing. I really haven't given myself just some time to relax after the dissertation and then the traveling so it'll be a while for the adjustment period.
Tuesday, 20 September 2011
London - Tower Bridge
September 14, 2011
I got up early to catch the bus to the airport and ended up scoring a cab ride for the same price of the bus which was sweet although I was a little worried that I might not make it to the airport but end up dead on the side of the road. But apparently I wasn't scared enough not to get in the cab, and I wasn't the only one so that made me feel a bit safer. I was fine with the flight and arrived back in London bumping into another American traveler and ended up helping her to get to the underground station and in the right direction. I felt pretty good about it being able to help someone with directions and it was nice to talk to someone. I went and saw the changing of the guard which was packed with tourist but I was able to muscle my way up to the front, this time I didn't care about the shorter people. I wanted good pictures and a good view so I used my height to my advantage. I'm glad I finally got to see the ceremony so I don't regret not going.
I then tried to go back to the Doctor Who Exhibition but it was closed so I decided to head to London and Tower bridges since I still hadn't seen them up close. It was nice to walk along the Thames one last time before going home. I also got to see the HMS Belfast.
Walking along Tower Bridge I ran into this Indian guy who was super impressed that I could speak Hindi. He was handing out information for the Tower Bridge exhibition and asked where I was from and trying to get an idea of how far Portland was from Vancouver, Canada which I have no idea. He though that was strange since I had made it to London. And I told him that yeah I've been to both the UK and India but not Canada or Mexico which got us onto the subject of why I went to India. It was nice chat but then I moved on to see the outside of the Tower of London. Did some shopping and headed back to Euston, once again with my feet crying at me. I ate for the last time at Ed's dinner, my new favorite restaurant (although not as good as the American dinner in Cardiff Bay) before heading back home.
September 13, 2011
Today I stayed in Dublin, no more tours! I wasn't sure if I would have enough to occupy myself with but you soon find there's plenty of things to do and in fact a little too much to do. I toyed with the idea of getting on the site seeing bus to save my feet but it was 14 euros and I figured most of the places I wanted to go to were really close together and i was already going to be in that area of town because I was having breakfast there so I decided against the tour bus which I'm not sure if that was smart or not. It saved me money to spend more on sights and gifts but I took up sightseeing time by having to walk. Pros and cons.
I started out at St. Stephens's Green which is this park where I was hoping to find the statue of Oscar Wilde but I was unsuccessful. It was still a beautiful park and the only open that early in the morning. I then went to Trinity college and got a ticket for the Book of Kells and a short tour of the college before hand. But since I still had a while until the first tour I went off to see if I could find the statue which I had found out was in the area of Trinity college. I finally found it!
After the statue I tried to find Oscar Wilde's house but couldn't find it so I went to the National Gallery because it was free and actually found some art I really liked. Jack B. Yeats work I really liked and ended up getting some of his work on postcards. They even had a van Gogh painting but its wasn't like most of his work and I didn't like it as much but another one I can check off my list. I made it back to Trinity college just in time for the tour to start. It's a pretty college.
They have two maple trees from Oregon which I was excited about and they were filming a Bollywood film! I got to see Salman Khan which was a nice little added treat. The actual Book of Kells was beautiful but what was more impressive was the Old library! It smelled of old books and had ladders on the shelving. It was like my dream library! I bought a few things in the gift shop on my way out. Ate lunch and then went and watched filming for a while with all of Ireland's Indian community.
After Trinity College I made my way to Guinness Storehouse but stopped off at St. Patrick's Cathedral which was beautiful. I was asked directions which I did my best to help and an Irish guy came over to help as well. When I tried to go to the Storehouse I got just a bit lost but found my way there. By then my feet were not happy with me but I had wanted to go. It was a really cool museum which found ways to make the exhibit a little bit interactive and at least not as boring as others. I got to poor my own pint and see magnificent 360 degree views of Dublin from the gravity bar.
By the time I was done I was ready for dinner and stopped off at this fish and chip shop that the previous day's tour guide had recommended and it was well worth the recommendation. The best fish and chips I've had ever! I did a spot of shopping and then headed back to the hostel exhausted.
September 12, 2011
I got up having had a little more sleep than yesterday but not much. I made my way down to the meeting point for me second tour day stopping off first to get breakfast and tea. Surprisingly the vans were already there arriving early after yesterday arriving late. Not so nice was the fact that my name was not on the list and the bus was fully booked. I booked on Friday night and two girls had booked the night before which made it really annoying and unfair. But there was room in another bus for Connemara so I went on that one instead. Connemara is an area of bog which is cut up, dried out and then sold for firewood. All along the way it was mostly just scenery we were looking at which was a little disappointing with the clouds. I was expecting more green but it was more brown. Still there were some sun breaks that made the green stand out.
We started out in Galway which I was excited about because that's where the film the Guard I recently watched was set. (Check out my review here) Furthermore its the home of the Claddagh ring so I purchased one for myself and I absolutely love it. I got a plain traditional silver one. I grabbed a quick lunch and headed back to the bus. Now the hurricane which had just hit the US was coming so it was super windy making it hard to walk. Next we went to this abbey which we could only see from a distance as it was more a stop for lunch.
Because of the weather our boat was cancelled. Everything seemed to be going wrong with me and this tour. Instead of he boat we spent a little extra time at places and then went to the beach which was amazingly beautiful. We even got blue skies and no rain. The second beach was really windy and kicked up the sand which was a little less than pleasant but it was still beautiful. The tour guide Ross was excited that the boat had been cancelled and was surprised that he had never been to the beach as it was so beautiful. We stopped off at Cong which is where they filmed The Quite Man. Earlier in the day we had seen a replica cottage which was neat and now I need to see the movie again.
The Giant's Causway and Belfast
September 11, 2011
Today I traveled to Northern Ireland and the Giant's Causeway. I found the meeting spot for the tour I was on with little trouble, found my driver and coach and sat up front for the journey ending up sitting next tot he driver's wife. We took the scenic route up along the coast and stopped at several stops along the way. Harbors and castles before our first real stop. Trouble started early on when people couldn't seem to make it back on the bus on time - annoying and frustrating - oh how I needed my adipose stress toy. It just meant less time at the actual sites.
The first was a rope bridge which I went across. It was a little scary. I went first and though that it wasn't a big deal but then the bridge started to sway as people got onto it. But I managed it, twice. There were amazing views and well worth it. It took forever to get back across. We had to wait for people coming over who kept stopping in the middle and taking pictures. Then when our side started to go and we tried that we got yelled at, quite unfair I feel. Either no pictures or allow pictures for everyone is my theory.
Next was the main event, the Giant's Causeway. There was an argument about time to see the sight and eat dinner. If we came back at 4 instead of 3:30 it would mean no tour of Belfast. Thankfully the 3:30ers were more vocal - although we still didn't leave on time. The Giant's Causeway is a geological area with hexagon shaped columns stacked up. There's a legend surrounding it about the Giant Finn McCool. He was having an argument with a Scottish giant who said they would fight if there wasn't the water separating them. Finn then built the causeway so the giant could cross over and then went home and was scared because he was so tired he wasn't ready to fight the giant. So he and his wife devised a plan. Finn dressed up as a baby and laid down in the crib so when the Scottish giant came to the door the wife told him that Finn was gone but he was welcomed to wait. When the Scottish giant saw Finn as the baby he really freaked out thinking that if the baby was the big how big was the father going to be. So he went back to Scotland ripping up the stones along the way. There are other features as well. There's a camel which is said to have been Finn's mode of transportation and his forgotten slipper and his mother turned to stone up on a cliff.
We left the Giant's Causeway stopping at the inspiration of Cair Paravel the castle from C.S.Lewis' Narnia books and arrived in Belfast. Since it was Sunday almost everything was closed but I did find a cuppa and a muffin. I'm really glad that I had decided to take this tour instead of staying in Belfast and going from there. There were really only two things that I was interested in in Belfast. Stuff to do with the Titanic, which the visitor centre was closed but we did see the cranes and the very last thing we saw were these murals they have in Belfast about the trouble times in Ireland which I had no idea about but I'm glad we got to see. apparently they are located in not the nicest part of town and the buses usually don't go down there but two people had asked about it so we got to go. The tension in the bus as we drove past the murals was thick and the atmosphere changed immediately.
The most famous murals is of Bobby Sands who is the subject of the film Hunger that I watched in Charlotte's class. That really was the highlight of the tour. Bud the tour guide/driver was excellent and stopped many places - more than the other coached which made up for him being late at the start. I found him funny but no one was really paying attention to him. And there was a group of 10 Asians who didn't help by being loud and taking forever to get back to the bus.
Back in Dublin dinner wasn't that great, the fish and chips was not the best and on my walk home I spotted an Ed's dinner so I know where I'm going tomorrow!
Doctor Who Experience
September 10, 2011
The airport. So glad I don't work in one anymore but it does surprise me how many shops are in the airport and I do wonder how profitable they are. I've had a long day. Got off to a late start but I didn't need to be in London until 2 so I took the morning off, printed off all the tickers I needed for the weekend ahead and went to catch my train. Thankfully, unlike yesterday the train had no problem getting there on time. Yesterday a truck hita bridge so we were super late. I got back on the underground when I arrived and went and got lunch from M&S at Earl's Court where I saw a Tardis on the street. Back on the underground to the Doctor Who Experience which was fantastic. The only bad thing were the little kids (and yes I see the pattern of my dislike of kids while traveling). I think they should have an adult only day time slot that way I could actually fly the Tardis and not have to worry about blocking the view of the little kids. We start out by viewing a montage of the 1st series of Matt Smith as the Doctor with his voiceover. The montage ends on the crack in the wall which rotates on the screen to a vertical position and the screen separates on the crack and we step through it. I kinda knew something was going to happen because you can see the crack during the montage. Anyways, through the crack trying not to trample the young ones and dodging the horrible parents we step onto the USS Starship UK and are shown exhibits from different episodes from the Russell T. Davies era as well as the new series. An information node from the library episode explains everything to us. The tour is broken up by the Doctor transmitting from the pandorica again. He tells us to look for the Tardis. He uses his sonic screwdriver and the Tardis appears in the far wall with sounds and lights. Stepping through the Tardis doors I got to stand in the Tardis! As an adult however, I''m forced to stand in the back (ageists!) but its still a fun experience. Lights go on and off, smoke comes from the Tardis console and the floor shifts which the kids 'fly' the Tardis under the direction of the Doctor. Another door opens and were told to go through it where we are met by Daleks. "Exterminate. Exterminate/ Exterminate." One is on a platform and two come from behind the group on either side of the back wall. Once again we have to make room for the kids. The daleks are scanning us and you can see yourself in the screen as surveillance footage. Soon other Dalek ships arrive and they battle the daleks holding us captive giving us time to escape. Walking through the forest of the weeping angels into another screening room where we have successfully allowed the Doctor to be transported back to the Tardis but then all the baddies come back in the form of a 3D show which was amazing. I was shot by a cyberman, grabbed by weeping angels. The effects were really good. After that room the show ends and the exhibition begins.
There were clothes of all the Doctors and Companions. Gadgets, monsters and behind the scenes stuff. I resisted getting the photo of me trapped in the pandorica - maybe if it would have been with next to the 10th Doctor I would have been more interested and would have paid the 12 pounds. I operated a Dalek and heard my voice as one. It would have been much better if A) there were no children and B) I had went with someone else. I wish Marta had gone with me she would have loved it. It was all over but the shop where I purchased a pin (I've got with the pin idea for my new collection) and an adipose stress toy which is so fantastic.
Not only did I get to go onto the new Tardis but I also got to go on the old Tardis. The only bad part but in a way still a good part was they had a loop of David Tennant turning into Matt Smith which was really sad but a cool use of multimedia technology. Also the museum but was nice but had its drawbacks. Although I have bemoaned the excess of information given a museums I would have liked more information at this museum directed towards adults. Each exhibit just had info about the specific episode the object was in. easy to read for children but a little downputting for adults. Remarkable since, since Steven Moffat took over the show it has become much darker and less kid friendly. (But that's a whole other argument I could write about for ages.)
I took the tube back to Euston station had dinner at Nando's with free olives, Score! And then came to the airport via St. Pancras Station which is beautiful.The flight to Dublin was super short - I even looked out the window as I wasn't allowed to lower the blind. Caught the bus after much contemplation and then started my hostel search. I walked all over the place had finally given up and was headed to the taxi when I turned around and realised I was standing in front of the hostel! I got checked in but someone was sleeping in my bed so I was assigned another one (the lower one much to my annoyance) and I had a few fitful hours of sleep, woken up a couple of times during the night from the girl in the bed next to me having bad nightmares.
Friday, 9 September 2011
221B Baker Street
September 9, 2011
A day trip into London which was done by accident. I had already bought my train tickets when I realized that I couldn't get tickets for the Doctor Who Experience which is why I wanted to go. I'm finding that planning for traveling is not fun and makes the traveling even less fun, but alas I went to go visit some things that I hadn't got a chance to. I started off at the British Library.
I had wanted to go see their exhibit 'Out of This World' all about Science Fiction but I also took the time to see their special collections with all their treasures. Including a copy of The Canterbury Tales, Jane Austen's writing desk and two of the surviving copies of the Magna Carta. I have only one copy left to see. From the library I took the underground to the National gallery.
Taking the underground was an experience in and of itself. It's really far underground, hot but also really windy - at least when the trains go by. It's a great way to get around London - expensive but I must save my feet for the next few days! I walked through the National Gallery but I really have no appreciation for art. I got to see my van Gogh paintings again which was really nice and I got to see Leonardo da Vinci's Madonna on the rocks but besides it being famous I could care less. The building is huge and basically a big maze, which is why I suppose they get away with charging a pound for a map - although entry is free so its not that bad. Coming from a not art background I really wish they would but all the famous paintings in one room so I wouldn't have to go traipsing around trying to find the paintings that I should see. Although I saw more Monet and Manet and Renoir I don't like impressionist art except for van Gogh. My obsession with van Gogh did start with Doctor Who but since seeing a wide range of his paintings I actually quite like them. They're really bright and colourful which I like.
After the Gallery I headed to the Sherlock Homles museum. I have never read any of the stories but I do like BBC's Sherlock so I thought why not. It's a nice little house although way overpriced for a museum. There was one pamphlet to read, which I read and didn't give much information. The gift shop takes up the whole bottom floor - its amazing what is being sold actually. Fake cigarettes for a pound and pipes. Up in the museum its left as a Victorian residence. It all looks very nice, and you can have your picture taken with props.
A day trip into London which was done by accident. I had already bought my train tickets when I realized that I couldn't get tickets for the Doctor Who Experience which is why I wanted to go. I'm finding that planning for traveling is not fun and makes the traveling even less fun, but alas I went to go visit some things that I hadn't got a chance to. I started off at the British Library.
I had wanted to go see their exhibit 'Out of This World' all about Science Fiction but I also took the time to see their special collections with all their treasures. Including a copy of The Canterbury Tales, Jane Austen's writing desk and two of the surviving copies of the Magna Carta. I have only one copy left to see. From the library I took the underground to the National gallery.
Taking the underground was an experience in and of itself. It's really far underground, hot but also really windy - at least when the trains go by. It's a great way to get around London - expensive but I must save my feet for the next few days! I walked through the National Gallery but I really have no appreciation for art. I got to see my van Gogh paintings again which was really nice and I got to see Leonardo da Vinci's Madonna on the rocks but besides it being famous I could care less. The building is huge and basically a big maze, which is why I suppose they get away with charging a pound for a map - although entry is free so its not that bad. Coming from a not art background I really wish they would but all the famous paintings in one room so I wouldn't have to go traipsing around trying to find the paintings that I should see. Although I saw more Monet and Manet and Renoir I don't like impressionist art except for van Gogh. My obsession with van Gogh did start with Doctor Who but since seeing a wide range of his paintings I actually quite like them. They're really bright and colourful which I like.
After the Gallery I headed to the Sherlock Homles museum. I have never read any of the stories but I do like BBC's Sherlock so I thought why not. It's a nice little house although way overpriced for a museum. There was one pamphlet to read, which I read and didn't give much information. The gift shop takes up the whole bottom floor - its amazing what is being sold actually. Fake cigarettes for a pound and pipes. Up in the museum its left as a Victorian residence. It all looks very nice, and you can have your picture taken with props.
It was a fun day and makes me want to read the Sherlock Holmes adventures so that's a plus I guess. I went into a couple of tourist shops but didn't find anything of interest so I headed back to the station for dinner before my train. I went to an American dinner for chilli fries and a milkshake. My stomach has been more open to dairy products as of late and the milkshake was so good.
Thursday, 8 September 2011
Chatsworth House
September 5, 2011
I woke up in a great mood my legs were fine I felt ready to conquer the day. I got checked out had a short conversation with an older woman about the rain as it was poring. However, even the rain - which left me soaked - couldn't dampen my spirits. Jimmy Carr's Laughter Therapy works! :) Now on the train to Sheffield and Chatsworth House. I'm hoping the weather gets a little nicer to enjoy the gardens at Chatsworth but I don't think I would really mind I think. I could fly home today and be happy. I don't think I can express the mood I'm in accurately. Suffice it to say I finally feel relaxed. You know what they say, laughter is the best medicine.
Chatsworth house is beautiful more inside than out but i didn't/wasn't able to see more of the gardens which could have made a difference. I got here early had a free talk outside and then signed up for the tour which I'm thankful for because there was a lot of information I would have missed. The ceilings were amazing but I felt that all the pictures on the wall would have been more interesting had they been like Harry Potter and moved.
The sculptures were beautiful though and I've decided I prefer sculptures to paintings. The current Duke of Devonshire (whose house it is) is into modern art which doesn't endear me to the Duke at all. Compared to Lyme Park I like the inside of Chatsworth better but the outside less. I bought a pin to go with the other two I have. I had hoped they had a commemorative spoon cause those would be cook to collect. I love my grandma's collection and althouhg I toyed with the idea of collecting shot glasses but that's so much mom's think that I want something of my own but not keychains - I did that once before. So it may end up being pins or perhaps I will start spoons when I find one I like. The pins were started accidentally I took a survey on a bus to get one for Hadrian's wall and was given one to climb to the top of Salisbury cathedral so the Chatsworth family seal is the first one I bought, but there's still time to change me mind - early stages yet.
Waiting for the bus to take me back to Sheffield to go back to Canley where I need to make more plans. Nothing planned for tomorrow but I must say whatever I do it must not involved lots of walking my feet aren't having it.
I woke up in a great mood my legs were fine I felt ready to conquer the day. I got checked out had a short conversation with an older woman about the rain as it was poring. However, even the rain - which left me soaked - couldn't dampen my spirits. Jimmy Carr's Laughter Therapy works! :) Now on the train to Sheffield and Chatsworth House. I'm hoping the weather gets a little nicer to enjoy the gardens at Chatsworth but I don't think I would really mind I think. I could fly home today and be happy. I don't think I can express the mood I'm in accurately. Suffice it to say I finally feel relaxed. You know what they say, laughter is the best medicine.
Chatsworth house is beautiful more inside than out but i didn't/wasn't able to see more of the gardens which could have made a difference. I got here early had a free talk outside and then signed up for the tour which I'm thankful for because there was a lot of information I would have missed. The ceilings were amazing but I felt that all the pictures on the wall would have been more interesting had they been like Harry Potter and moved.
The sculptures were beautiful though and I've decided I prefer sculptures to paintings. The current Duke of Devonshire (whose house it is) is into modern art which doesn't endear me to the Duke at all. Compared to Lyme Park I like the inside of Chatsworth better but the outside less. I bought a pin to go with the other two I have. I had hoped they had a commemorative spoon cause those would be cook to collect. I love my grandma's collection and althouhg I toyed with the idea of collecting shot glasses but that's so much mom's think that I want something of my own but not keychains - I did that once before. So it may end up being pins or perhaps I will start spoons when I find one I like. The pins were started accidentally I took a survey on a bus to get one for Hadrian's wall and was given one to climb to the top of Salisbury cathedral so the Chatsworth family seal is the first one I bought, but there's still time to change me mind - early stages yet.
Waiting for the bus to take me back to Sheffield to go back to Canley where I need to make more plans. Nothing planned for tomorrow but I must say whatever I do it must not involved lots of walking my feet aren't having it.
Jimmy Carr
September 4, 2011
It's Jimmy Carr day! The day I have been waiting for. I did have tickets booked for early this morning but I didn't get to bed until 1am when I work up at 6:30 I felt sick once again, maybe I'm allergic to traveling. Hmm... what a thought. So I decided when I actually got up out of bed at 8 that I would eat the train charges and buy another later ticket. Frustrating but I'm trying not to think about it. My morning was lovely. I spent it uploading pictures and planning today and tomorrow. On the train now at Birmingham to Liverpool had to move once because of small children and may be moving again as I have not escaped the children entirely although these ones seem to be quieter. I've switched shows for this two day trip - proper trainers with padding so I'm hoping they're better although my toes aren't too happy! Because I'm going so late - the train leaves at 15:35 I won't have much time to go to the sights of Liverpool since everything closes at 1700 but really I'm more interested in Jimmy Carr but I am hoping to catch some snippets of Liverpool conversations for Jess.
Well I've arrived found the hostel with not problems surprisingly. As I came out of the station I was struck with awe at the buildings. It reminds me of London but you can see the industrial side. I should really never travel on Sunday because everything shuts so early. i saw this pizza place that looked good but by the time I came back from the hostel it was closed - but I'm getting ahead of myself, let me rewind. I made it to the hostel got checked in by a nice and guy and went up to my room on Penny Lane. There was another girl there who was sitting on my bed. We ended up just switching beds because the bed I had been assigned was on the bottom. Of course I then hit my head on the ceiling. The girl was nice, from Brazil and here for two days before returning home just finished her MA degree as well. I left the hostel to find dinner before the show unfortunately this visit will be limited to Jimmy Carr. I tried going to Nando's but it was super busy and the pizza place I mentioned before was closed so I decided to eat at the philharmonic hall where the performance was. I got a little lost but surprisingly remained calmed. I got really turned around and was starring at a map that wasn't helping when a guy asked me if I was lost using the word 'lovey'. He gave me directions which was nice, another plus for the cit but I fear Liverpool will not have a lasting impression on me. Live music in pubs reminds me of the things I don't like about PDX. The tall buildings that were so amazing when I arrived I think has more to do with the fact that I had come from the country.
I almost forgot about the train, if you remember I had moved to avoid the children well halfway through the journey a kid sat next to me. Horror of horrors! Its amazing really what families do to keep children entertained. They played the word association game for an hour. It was almost unbearable. The only redeeming factors was the little kid's laugh and the older brother's Northern accent - he sounded like Jason Manford.
So here in the cafe at the Philharmonic I await Jimmy Carr. I had a lovely spinach tart (quiche) fries and coleslaw with salad. The coleslaw was basically mayonnaise but it worked well as a dressing for the salad and hid the unwashed taste of the lettuce that comes with every salad I've ever gotten in the UK.
It was sprinkling on the way here and although I brought my umbrella I left it at the hostel. I carry it with me throughout all my sunny travel and then forget it when its really needed.
I wonder what Jimmy Carr does before a show? I hope its good.
My change in shoes have helped but all the walking I've done so far have not helped and I'm contemplating a taxi back but we'll see sitting down should help.
WOW! What a fantastic show! I'm giddy. I laughed the whole time. Bought the programme which came with a poster that was worth the fiver. I read the whole thing and it was the best programme I've looked at of the three shows I've been to. Jimmy Carr has such a quick wit. There was a little but of repeat material but I think most of it was from press for the show plus its still funny stuff and he did the dragon joke which I heard him say on the Jonathan Ross show which I absolutely adore. Unlike Dylan Moran, the pictures on the screen were part of the show. A wonderful night although I was too scared to shout out anything and the people I sat next to weren't laughing all that much but I had no one on the other side of me. I find for comedy shows it's best to sit in a full section. And to top it all off I got to have a chat with him shake his hand and get stuff signed. A very generous guy and made me feel like I was important enough to talk to. He asked where I was from and made a joke about me relocating from the US to Coventry and mentioned that his brother had did the course I did and that Warwick had a beautiful campus. I was star struck and now maybe a bit in love with Jimmy Carr.
The walk home was okay, this creepy guy tried to chat me up but I manged to shake him off. I got turned around a bit but made it back to the hostel happy as a clam.
(transposed from a written journey written throughout the day)
Sunday, 4 September 2011
Lyme Park
September 3, 2011
Today has started well at least after i got rid of my headache. I got up early and checked out but missed the 28 so I went to the 29 but then realised I was reading the wrong schedule as it was Saturday, but thankfully one arrived close to the time I had anticipated so I was able to make me train. First change at Bristol Parkway and on my second train to Stockport from which I have to figure out how to get to Disley. Its a little confusing but the guy at the station told me not to worry. I'm exited about going home tonight and to take a hot bath to soak my poor legs. I feel as if I need a cane to walk! One more day and then it's Jimmy Carr.
I made it to Disley floundered around a bit trying to find the way to Lyme Park after I found out the bus wasn't running when I met another girl who was headed in the same direction so together we walked up to the house. Unfortunately my first view of the house wasn't the same as Elizabeth Bennet's in the film as the lake is in the back but its still a beautiful house. The tour through the house was nice although too much reading. The house if richly furnished beautiful and I can't decided if I would want to live there or not (not that I'm in the market mind but its still fun to imagine) I think the lighting is really poor so I would have to say no. The National Trust volunteers were really nice and helpful and I got rid of the girl I arrived with so I could take my time. I stopped in to have lunch in the restaurant to sit down for a bit befroe I tour the gardens and finally get a good look at the famous lake.
Lunch/Dinner was wonderful and I'm hoping the cheese wasn't too much. I had a lovely bean and vegetable bake with a salad. And then I indulged myself with a scone and cup of tea. It'll be expensive but I'm on vacation! Plus the mood of the house calls for it. The scone was worth it - delicious, like a buttermilk biscuit but denser.
The gardens were lush and the lake fantastic. It was weird to see it in person after watching the film and now of course I need to watch that scene again. The walk away from the house was beautiful even when it started to rain lightly. The countryside was exactly how I picture England from all the period pictures I watch. I stopped and just surveyed the the view which was breathtaking, a wonderful sight to behold. It was perfect and actually a bit relaxing which I haven't found yet. Hobbling back to the station I await my train, my feet on fire and I'm not sure how I'm going to walk home but somehow I'll make it.
Of course my train was late so I missed my connection and had to wait and then this annoying family sat next to me. A woman basically on top of my and then kept tuting and making noises at me because she didn't have enough room. Then her son put stickers all over the place and was invading my personal bubble and the woman didn't care at all. Any ideas I had of working with young kids have evaporated! I contemplated getting off at Coventry instead of Canley but the woman was too annoying and I could handle it so I got off at Canley and trusted my instincts on walking in the right direction toward cannon park. Finally made it home and slept in my own bed, at least for a night.
(transposed from a written journey written throughout the day)
Today has started well at least after i got rid of my headache. I got up early and checked out but missed the 28 so I went to the 29 but then realised I was reading the wrong schedule as it was Saturday, but thankfully one arrived close to the time I had anticipated so I was able to make me train. First change at Bristol Parkway and on my second train to Stockport from which I have to figure out how to get to Disley. Its a little confusing but the guy at the station told me not to worry. I'm exited about going home tonight and to take a hot bath to soak my poor legs. I feel as if I need a cane to walk! One more day and then it's Jimmy Carr.
I made it to Disley floundered around a bit trying to find the way to Lyme Park after I found out the bus wasn't running when I met another girl who was headed in the same direction so together we walked up to the house. Unfortunately my first view of the house wasn't the same as Elizabeth Bennet's in the film as the lake is in the back but its still a beautiful house. The tour through the house was nice although too much reading. The house if richly furnished beautiful and I can't decided if I would want to live there or not (not that I'm in the market mind but its still fun to imagine) I think the lighting is really poor so I would have to say no. The National Trust volunteers were really nice and helpful and I got rid of the girl I arrived with so I could take my time. I stopped in to have lunch in the restaurant to sit down for a bit befroe I tour the gardens and finally get a good look at the famous lake.
Lunch/Dinner was wonderful and I'm hoping the cheese wasn't too much. I had a lovely bean and vegetable bake with a salad. And then I indulged myself with a scone and cup of tea. It'll be expensive but I'm on vacation! Plus the mood of the house calls for it. The scone was worth it - delicious, like a buttermilk biscuit but denser.
The gardens were lush and the lake fantastic. It was weird to see it in person after watching the film and now of course I need to watch that scene again. The walk away from the house was beautiful even when it started to rain lightly. The countryside was exactly how I picture England from all the period pictures I watch. I stopped and just surveyed the the view which was breathtaking, a wonderful sight to behold. It was perfect and actually a bit relaxing which I haven't found yet. Hobbling back to the station I await my train, my feet on fire and I'm not sure how I'm going to walk home but somehow I'll make it.
Of course my train was late so I missed my connection and had to wait and then this annoying family sat next to me. A woman basically on top of my and then kept tuting and making noises at me because she didn't have enough room. Then her son put stickers all over the place and was invading my personal bubble and the woman didn't care at all. Any ideas I had of working with young kids have evaporated! I contemplated getting off at Coventry instead of Canley but the woman was too annoying and I could handle it so I got off at Canley and trusted my instincts on walking in the right direction toward cannon park. Finally made it home and slept in my own bed, at least for a night.
(transposed from a written journey written throughout the day)
Cardiff - Day Three
September 2, 2011
Today I got off to a rather late start. I really didn't want to get up and finally found my way down to the kitchen around 8 had a slow couple of cups of tea while I wrote out yesterday's events and then set off for the train station where I got my tickers to Chepstow (and it's not pronounced cheapstow) A rowdy group of guys got on the train and I've found me favorite word in a welsh accent is 'lodger' - excellent! I made it to chepstow - a deserted station no signs and of course I jumped to the conclusion that I was lost but I could see the castle in the distanced. I followed the signs on the other side of the subway to the tourist information centre although the signs lead me the long way around which was nice in the aspect that I got to see more of the town especially the nice little park but also harmful on my poor feet and now legs. Finally found the tourist centre with the most helpful person (and I mean this sincerely) I went and visited the castle which had amazing views but it was no Caerphilly! I went back to the tourist centre to get directions to the bus stop so I could go to Tintern Abbey. Excellent directions also. I had to wait for 2 hours at the bus stop in the sun, ugh! with Welsh hoodlums who knew all the bus times and bus drivers. I ate my lunch and narrowly escaped talking to some crazy person and my bus finally arrived.
The bus ride was short and uneventful through beautiful scenery and the Abbey was insight. Up until this point I had been wondering if going to Tintern was such a good idea but the sight of it washed away all my doubts. It was magnificent - no wonder it inspired Wordsworth to poetry and I can't wait to read the poem again - its been too long and I hardly remember it. I didn't spend too long there first because of the bus times and second a group of American tourists arrived - old, fat and all wearing baseball caps. Clicking frivolously.
Back on the bus and back in Chepstow I arrived at the bus station and hobbling along made it to the rail station where I got stuck talking to a drunk guy from Barry who had been at the horse races who asked me if I was from Chepstow or Cardiff. And a security guard who is 40 divorced but recently engaged and forced to take the train because his license was taken away for drunk driving. I talked a but but mainly listened. Back in Cardiff around 6 I was worried I had missed the shops as I have failed to get any souvenirs but luckily a shop was opened and I am now a proud owner of a tea cosy. I boarded another bus for Cardiff bay since I had decided against going to Barry Island of Gavin and Stacey fame and had dinner at Eddie's dinner again. It was light out so I also got to read the Ianto memorial wall again.
Found a bus back to the city centre, then back tot he hostel. My last night in Cardiff tomorrow I'm off to Disley - Lyme Park a.k.a Pemberly.
(transposed from a written journey written throughout the day)
Today I got off to a rather late start. I really didn't want to get up and finally found my way down to the kitchen around 8 had a slow couple of cups of tea while I wrote out yesterday's events and then set off for the train station where I got my tickers to Chepstow (and it's not pronounced cheapstow) A rowdy group of guys got on the train and I've found me favorite word in a welsh accent is 'lodger' - excellent! I made it to chepstow - a deserted station no signs and of course I jumped to the conclusion that I was lost but I could see the castle in the distanced. I followed the signs on the other side of the subway to the tourist information centre although the signs lead me the long way around which was nice in the aspect that I got to see more of the town especially the nice little park but also harmful on my poor feet and now legs. Finally found the tourist centre with the most helpful person (and I mean this sincerely) I went and visited the castle which had amazing views but it was no Caerphilly! I went back to the tourist centre to get directions to the bus stop so I could go to Tintern Abbey. Excellent directions also. I had to wait for 2 hours at the bus stop in the sun, ugh! with Welsh hoodlums who knew all the bus times and bus drivers. I ate my lunch and narrowly escaped talking to some crazy person and my bus finally arrived.
The bus ride was short and uneventful through beautiful scenery and the Abbey was insight. Up until this point I had been wondering if going to Tintern was such a good idea but the sight of it washed away all my doubts. It was magnificent - no wonder it inspired Wordsworth to poetry and I can't wait to read the poem again - its been too long and I hardly remember it. I didn't spend too long there first because of the bus times and second a group of American tourists arrived - old, fat and all wearing baseball caps. Clicking frivolously.
Back on the bus and back in Chepstow I arrived at the bus station and hobbling along made it to the rail station where I got stuck talking to a drunk guy from Barry who had been at the horse races who asked me if I was from Chepstow or Cardiff. And a security guard who is 40 divorced but recently engaged and forced to take the train because his license was taken away for drunk driving. I talked a but but mainly listened. Back in Cardiff around 6 I was worried I had missed the shops as I have failed to get any souvenirs but luckily a shop was opened and I am now a proud owner of a tea cosy. I boarded another bus for Cardiff bay since I had decided against going to Barry Island of Gavin and Stacey fame and had dinner at Eddie's dinner again. It was light out so I also got to read the Ianto memorial wall again.
Found a bus back to the city centre, then back tot he hostel. My last night in Cardiff tomorrow I'm off to Disley - Lyme Park a.k.a Pemberly.
(transposed from a written journey written throughout the day)
Cardiff - Day Two
September 1, 2011
Today, or rather yesterday sine I'm writing this in the morning after, was a busy but enjoyable day. I started off with breakfast and caught my bus to the city centre. I got a large cup of tea from greggs to steam the impending headache but getting the tea in and of itself was a headache. No milk means no milk. Giving me the tea after I've said no milk with milk in it and acting like it doesn't is not okay. From there I waited fro my bus to Caerphilly. I couldn't pronounce the place name making it hard to tell the driver where I was going but I could spell it so that saved me. On the bus journey I was sure I was going to throw up added to my propensity of getting sick while traveling, my tongue swelled up and everything. I had my bad poised for puke but thankfully I was saved that humiliation.
I arrived at Caerphilly a little worse for the wear but I soon cheered up when I saw the castle. Fantastic! Its really everything a castle should be complete with a moat and puts Cardiff castle to shame. I walked along the grounds actually read through the exhibit and entered the castle after finally finding the entrance - the staff were most unhelpful. What was really nice about it was that there weren't staff watching you or signs to tell you not to do things. I felt ree to do as I pleased. After my castle tour and nothing of interest in the giftshop I stopped by the statue of Tommy Cooper (British Comedian) and then went to Tesco's for lunch which I ate on a bench in front of the castle listening to the welsh voices around me.
(transposed from a written journey written throughout the day)
Today, or rather yesterday sine I'm writing this in the morning after, was a busy but enjoyable day. I started off with breakfast and caught my bus to the city centre. I got a large cup of tea from greggs to steam the impending headache but getting the tea in and of itself was a headache. No milk means no milk. Giving me the tea after I've said no milk with milk in it and acting like it doesn't is not okay. From there I waited fro my bus to Caerphilly. I couldn't pronounce the place name making it hard to tell the driver where I was going but I could spell it so that saved me. On the bus journey I was sure I was going to throw up added to my propensity of getting sick while traveling, my tongue swelled up and everything. I had my bad poised for puke but thankfully I was saved that humiliation.
I arrived at Caerphilly a little worse for the wear but I soon cheered up when I saw the castle. Fantastic! Its really everything a castle should be complete with a moat and puts Cardiff castle to shame. I walked along the grounds actually read through the exhibit and entered the castle after finally finding the entrance - the staff were most unhelpful. What was really nice about it was that there weren't staff watching you or signs to tell you not to do things. I felt ree to do as I pleased. After my castle tour and nothing of interest in the giftshop I stopped by the statue of Tommy Cooper (British Comedian) and then went to Tesco's for lunch which I ate on a bench in front of the castle listening to the welsh voices around me.
Finding the bus back to Cardiff was harder than I had anticipated. Logically it should have been on the opposite side of the street where I was dropped off at but that wasn't the case and I had to wait for the that bus to come to ask the driver where I need to to pick up the other bus. It did afford me a lovely walk through more of Caerphilly to get to the bus station where I found my bus and made it back to Cardiff.
I went to the National Museum to check out the dinosaurs and art - another Van Gogh painting checked off my list plus some Monet and Manet. The Natural history portion was really cool and I liked how they arranged it but I didn't feel like reading much except the dino stuff. They had a T-Rex skull. The Basking Shark though was scary and I couldn't look at it. I tried but no, that huge open mouth is just unnatural. Now at this stage I could barely walk so I decided to see if Harry Potter was showing at 5 which it was so I finally saw it. I'll leave me review of the film for my other blog which I will make available here. After the film I decided that a bag of popcorn wasn't enough for dinner so I treked back to the bus station to go to Cardiff Bay to have a Doctor Who dinner. I got off a couple stops too soon and had to walk but it wasn't all bad what was disappointing was everything was blocked off for some event on Saturday so no more torchwood pics. Oh well. I tried to eat at the place that features in 'Boom Town' with The 9th Doctor, Rose, Mickey and Jack but it was Turkish food so instead I headed to Eddie's dinner from 'The Impossible Astronaut' with the 11th Doctor, Amy, Rory and River Song. I had an amazing veggie burger with fried and wnjoyed the atmoshpere and music.
I took the bus back to the city centre but missed my connecting bus and had to wait an hour to get back to the hostel which the room was pitch black by the time I got in.
(transposed from a written journey written throughout the day)
Cardiff - Day One
August 31, 2011
Why is it that I always gets sick before going off to Cardiff? This traveling vacation really didn't begin on the right foot anyways and I probably should have staid at home another day to get everything sorted but I didn't want to waste time. My goal was to see as many placed as I could and to spend the lease amount possible. I already gave up Rome and Paris my more ambitious plans but trying to decide where to go and how to get there have proven difficult. I keep rearranging everything but its gotten me into trouble price wise. I had to spend the whole fo yesterday packing my room so I didn't spend the amount of time I needed on planning as such I only have plans through to unday where I'm seeing Jimmy Carr in Liverpool. But I'm going to try and not worry about it. So far for the next three days I'm in Cardiff my favorite city - let's see if it lives up to my own hype and memory.While there I'm going to visit Cardiff castle, Caerphilly castle and Tintern Abbey. I just want to really enjoy the town and relax. Tonight I'm going to go and see Harry Potter - I've put it off for long enough. : ) On Saturday I'm making my way to Disley to visit Lyme Park the outdoor location of Pemberly from the 1995 BBC Pride and Prejudice. I'll spend the night at home before once again setting off for Liverpool. Hopefully by then I'll have more time to think through my plans - I can't leave without going to Ireland. I think I'll really love it when I get ther but at the moment I'm more interested in going home than traveling. Basically this dissertation has worn me out and I'm physically, emotionally and mentally exhausted. At the same time I don't want any regrets. And I suppose since I've been looking forward to going back to Cardiff its a good place to start.
My first day of traveling and I'm already sick of it. I'm just super tired and sore. Today I walked through the shopping malls to find Tesco's for lunch and batteries. I ate lunch and then headed for the castle. I looked again at the oven mitt that I had wanted but wasn't impressed. I did find a tea cosy I liked but what would I really do with that? I might however begin my own shot glass collection as I found a Cardiff one I liked. I paid a bit extra for the tour of the castle which I'm glad although I wasn't a big fan of the tour guide but the audioguide bored me after a bit. The tour covered the apartments which had been made up in a medieval style in the Victorian era. I preferred the untampered Georgian room and the library which was exquisite.
I toured the castle keep trying to listen to the audioguide but there were loud tennage girls. You had to take a spiral staircase up and people were going both directions at once - not a good idea. I did see something super cute though. I waited as a mother and her two sons were going past. The mother was clearly scared and having trouble going down and was making sure her older son going down first was okay but it was so cute cause he was like I'm fine I just want you to be okay. AHH! How sweet! She thanked me for waiting and commented that they shouldn't have done that. Wanting to see everything has made me give up my fear of heights which is a good thing but i 've got plenty of other fears to take over.
After the keep your I had a pot of tea and then returned to my audio guide to watch a film that wasn't all that entertaining. from there I got to see the war tunnels which was amazing and gave me goose bumps. They had the recording of sounds playing and its amazing to think what people had to live through. At the end of that I walked back on top of the tunnels. I also saw some cool birds, falcons and owls there which was cool.
After a bit of shopping I walked to the the hostel. I really should have got the bus but I was being stubborn and paid for it with my hurt feet. i got a bit worried I was lost but made myself remain clam and arrived without incident. I got checked in - staying in room 7 the 'Eccleston' room.
All the rooms have Doctor names but they don't match the # of the doctor - at least not all of them. The first 5 fit (although 3 doesn't have a name) and I can understand not having 2 Bakers but they totally skipped #8 Paul McGann. I laid down for a bit to try and rid myself of my headache but it didn't help. I made a cup of tea and found a place to eat from the menu folder provided. A fish and chip shop claiming to be the best chips. Award winning chips. I was sold so I set off again and again wondered if I was lost but found it and a Tesco's. I wasn't that impressed by the fish eating only half of it and the chips weren't award worthy but it was a meal. I had a bit of a chat with the other hostel people and then tried to go to Roath Park but it was closed so I came back and planned to sleep to get more stuff done tomorrow. I have a variety of stuff to do tomorrow when I was worried I had planned too much time here! I didn't manage Harry Potter today but maybe tomorrow.
(transposed from a written journey written throughout the day)
Monday, 25 July 2011
The hostel I was staying at in Edinburgh I would not go back to. The light in the bathroom didn't work nor did they fix it after I told them, plus it was directly across from a very lively bar that Friday night had a massive party. It took me a while to get to sleep and I was planning on getting up early for a hike so I was not amused when the fire alarm went off at 2:30am! At least this time everyone actually got up and left the building. The party was still going on, Scotland knows how to party. The fire brigade showed up but finally we were let back in without an explanation as to what had happened. I slept in an extra half hour, not getting up until 6:30am when I left to climb up to Arthur's seat. As I was leaving the hostel I came upon a naked man who had been locked out of his room. It's was a little embarrassing, more for him than me, and I really don't want to know how he ended up outside his room without any clothes. I continued on my way. I found my way down to the hiking trail pretty easily. Arthur's seat is a possible site of Camelot and is 250 meters high. I didn't think it would be that bad, the guidebook had said it would take 45 minutes when in actuality it took closer to a hour. However I was wearing converse which have no traction and are not really built for climbing, plus I was already so tired and my feet hurt from all the previous walking but I was determined to do it. There were stairs for most of the way but lots of rocks that were a bit slippery and hard to climb but I MADE IT!!!
The views were spectacular and I didn't want to leave. I could have stayed up there for hours just enjoying the view from all directions. I did find the timing setting on my camera so I was able to take this photos to prove that I had made it up to the top. Climbing back down was a bit troublesome. I'm so worried about heights in nature but I'm a bit afraid of falling so it was a lot of sitting down and making me way slowly down the rocks. And after all the stairs my knees were killing me. I gone back a different way so I ended up in a new part of town that I had to find my way through. I was a little worried about making it back to my hotel in time to check out but I was fine, finally finding my way. I checked out and then decided it was definitely time for breakfast before I headed to the castle. I went to the Elephant House where J.K.Rowling wrote Harry Potter which was cool and it was a nice meal.
I made my up to the castle and through the mass of tourist to wait in line for tickets which took forever but it was worth it. This was my first castle so I got the audio guide as I will listen to things but I won't read anything. I also went on the free 20 minute tour which was well worth it and covered a lot of what was in the audio commentary although the audio was worth it as well giving a good back history to everything and allowed me to sit down for a while which was good because my feet were killing me. The tour guide though was funny and entertaining. He asked us questions which I got one right - even though I was super surprised at myself for even offering an answer. The question was who was the last King to be crowned in Scotland and the answer was Charles the Second. I got both the name and the number right. People around me looked at my funny but I had read about it in my guidebook so I knew the answer. I watched the one o'clock gun go off which was super loud and I jumped even though I knew it was coming and watching as it happened. I guess I just wasn't expecting such a loud bang.
I also ran into Karen from the conference. We both had the same idea of coming up to Scotland! She gave me her card just in case which I really appreciated and have looked at her programme at Indiana University although she knows that I would rather stay in the UK and it would be better to work on Doctor Who here but it's another option and it's always nice to have contacts. I went through and saw the crowned jewels and the stone of destiny which was beautiful and intriguingly crafted. I finished my visit at the gift shop getting a couple postcards of the jewels and stone since you weren't allowed to take pictures and whiskey that had been aged for ten years for my dad.
I left the castle and headed slowly to the National Gallery, stopping first in the basement for lunch, a hot buttery which is basically a croissant with brie and spinach melted over it. So good and I didn't get sick! I left my bags in a locker and headed up to view some art. Usually I'm not a big fan of art but there was some really good paintings that I like and a sculpture that I got postcards of later. It was also cool to see the famous painters.
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Antonio Canova The Three Graces (Aglaia, Euphrosyne and Thalia) |
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Raphael (Raffaello Santi) The Virgin and Child ('The Bridgewater Madonna') |
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Claude Monet Poplars on the Epte |
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Vincent Van Gogh: Orchard in Blossom - Plum Trees |
The museum closed at five and I walked back to the royal for a few more gifts, including a shirt for me and then went back to the train station to catch my train home. I enjoyed some of the bagpipe pipers along the way including the man dressed as a fawn. The train was late and caused me to miss my connecting train to Coventry.When I went into the customer service area this group of three guys and a woman were fighting with the reception area because they failed to get on their coach to Derby and they weren't going to be refunded their money. The police even got involved. Thankfully there was no problem for me and they arranged a taxi to Coventry station that I shared with Adam who was on the same train as me. I started a conversation with him as well, socially I was on a roll. I got to the station, having turned 24 got in the second taxi to take me back to the university and my trip was finally over. It's been a super long but fantastic week, now it's back to the real world and work on my dissertation must commence before my next trip.
Loch Ness and the Highlands
Finally the day had arrived to go monster hunting! I had signed up for a tour of Loch Ness and the Highlands so I could do it all in one day and so I could spend my birthday at home especially since traveling on Sunday's are horrible and more expensive. I woke up early and hunted for a place that was open and I was starting to get very worried that I wouldn't be able to eat until I found Starbucks! What a savoir. I had my tea and blueberry muffin and since I was so early I walked around the royal mile taking pictures and acting the part of the tourist which was kinda nice. The drivers came we all got on and were off towards out first stop at Pitlochry, a nice little town.
Mav, the driver sold us tickets for the boat cruise which I though was a great idea and I did get sick! I started talking to this other girl Monica who lives in London but is from Brazil because she was going on the boat cruise as well. It was time to get back on the bus and I found my way to the back of the bus which I shared with another girl who was sleeping a lot. At the next stop we got to take pictures of Ben Nevis, the largest mountain in the UK, which really isn't saying much. Anyways the girl whose name I found out later was, Michelle asked if I could take her picture and we got to talking and clicked right away. She was studying in London for a month and was going back to California today to start a nursing program. It was great being able to talk to another Doctor Who fan, she even carries a sonic screwdriver around with her, talk about my soul mate!
Back on the Bus we made another stop where we got a taste of whiskey that we had heard so much about. It was disgusting! I can understand why in the movies people drink it keep warm but I don't know how anyone could enjoy it! Michelle and I had to rinse the taste out with some delicious chips. She had ordered first and then the lady didn't think I was ordering I guess but then it was a massive pile of chips so we just decided to share, and Michelle wouldn't even let me pay for half of them. They were really good. The Scots know how to make chips that's for sure. Huge, you can believe they were made from a potato.
Our last major stop was at Glencoe which is infamous for the Glencoe massacre that occurred there. Really it was such a beautiful spot and so so green I can't believe it. It looks fakes, and my pictures don't do it justice. It's something that everyone should experience for themselves. I couldn't have just sat there for hours looking and marveling at the beauty.
Then it was just the bus ride home through the gorgeous scenery. When we got back to Edinburgh I gave Michelle my contact information and we said goodbye with a hug. It was so weird clicking with someone so fast, very unusual for me but I like it and I won't complain about it. I spent the evening walking through the shops and buying gifts for my family. I had dinner but it was really gross and not satisfying. Well the chips were good but the fish wasn't, a big disappointment. Leaving my stuff at home I went walking through the city just to enjoy it without my camera. I had gone out to get some fruit and sparkling water and couldn't find the grocery store I was originally looking for but the walk was nice all the same.
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